Kamran Mcintosh-Ross
height 6'3"
chest 36"
waist 32"
inseam 32"
suit 36"
shoes 13 US
hair Black
eyes Brown
height 6'3"
chest 36"
waist 32"
inseam 32"
suit 36"
shoes 13 US
hair Black
eyes Brown
Portfolio image for Kamran Mcintosh-Ross in La men new faces All at Next Management
Kamran McIntosh-Ross is a multifaceted talent hailing from Atlanta, GA, with strong ties to Trinidad and Tobago due to his dual citizenship. With a rich ethnic background as a Black Afro-American/Afro-Caribbean, Kamran embodies a unique blend of cultures. Beyond his prowess on the tennis court, where he has dedicated 9 years honing his skills, he has seamlessly stepped into the world of modeling nearly two years ago. Balancing his pursuits as a full-time tennis player and a burgeoning model, Kamran's determination and versatility shine through. When he's not acing it on the court or in front of the camera, Kamran's passion for cooking takes center stage, adding another layer of depth to his vibrant persona.


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